For many of us, though, the fact that pollution of all sorts and climate change tend to affect the poorest people in the world first and worst is at least as big a reason as these others for Christians to make environmental stewardship a priority. A January 4 article, Shelter from the Storms, in America magazine talks about a new category of refugees in our world, environmental refugees. According to the article, there are already more environmental refugees than political refugees.

The four projects featured at this point are in Ghana, Cameroon, Cambodia, and the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Details about all four projects are available on the website . As we connect with these other communities, we will learn more about the effect of climate change on our neighbors in the global community, and have the joy of knowing we are doing something meaningful to help make life better for people whose daily lives are affected by climate change.
It may be hard to think about carbon emissions and global warming when we have experienced so much cold weather this winter, but of course specific weather events and general climate patterns are two different things. Summer is a warm season and winter is cold in Nebraska (that’s our climate) even though we can have cool, rainy days in the summer and a sunny day with 70 degree temperatures in the winter (that’s the weather). Similarly, the overall climate trend of global warming is obvious to statisticians and climate scientists even though the weather in much of North America and Europe has been cold this winter. And meanwhile, in the southern hemisphere, Melbourne just had its hottest night in 100 years with a temperature of 98 degrees F. at midnight.