Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Reading Paul in Early Spring

An Observation

Today’s warmer temperatures in central Nebraska made it possible to sit outside on our porch this morning to read the Daily Office lessons. The warm and humid air smelled and felt like spring, and songs from a variety of birds sounded like spring.

It was a good setting for today’s Epistle lesson, Romans 1:16-24. In this letter to the Romans, Paul states that knowledge about God is available to everyone: “Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made.” (Romans 1:20) God isn’t visible to us, but the world is there for us to see and experience. Paul is saying that thinking about the order and wonder of the world that we can experience through our senses can help us understand something about God’s divine nature and power; we can reason from what we can know through sense experience to some knowledge of God.

On a fine spring morning, I’m inclined to agree with Paul.

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